Wouter Leenders

PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

Wouter Leenders

PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

Microeconomics of Public Policy, taught with Bluebery Planterose

This course examines the role of government in the economy, aiming to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of economic principles and tools necessary for analyzing and evaluating government interventions. Through the exploration of theoretical models and empirical methods, students will develop the ability to assess the benefits and consequences of various public policies. Key topics include tax policy and its impact on inequality, tax evasion and avoidance, social insurance programs, public goods, externalities, and environmental protection. While the primary focus is on the United States and Europe, the course incorporates insights from international experiences to provide students with a global perspective. Upon completion of the course, students will possess a nuanced understanding of the interplay between government actions and economic outcomes. This knowledge equips them to critically evaluate policies and contribute thoughtfully to discussions on the economic role of governments in various contexts.

  • Lecture 1: Introduction to Public Economics [PDF]
  • Lecture 2: Tools of Public Finance [PDF]
  • Lecture 3: Inequality [PDF]
  • Lecture 4: Taxation [PDF]
  • Lecture 5: Externalities and climate change [PDF]
  • Lecture 6: Tax evasion [PDF]
  • Lecture 7: Social insurance [PDF]
  • Lecture 8: Employment [PDF]